Signature Projects
Company Profile
- VizExperts is a technology development firm in the realm of Geospatial intelligence driven decision making.
- In line with the objectives of Government of India, to accelerate indigenization of technology, our products have all been developed in-house, setting standards of excellence comparable and beyond what is offered elsewhere.
- Our list of clients includes various reputed Indian Government Organizations with whom we have worked multiple projects using our GeorbIS 3D GIS technology and Digital Sand Model technology.
- Our R&D teams based out of Delhi and Bangalore have some of the best 3D GIS and visual computing talent in the country.
GeorbIS 3D Geospatial Platform
- One of our principal focus areas has been GeorbIS®, our 3D GIS technology, which enables geospatial intelligence driven decision making at organizations working with large amounts of data.
- Certified compliant for WMS, WCS, WFS, WFS(T), Sensor Things services by the OGC® (Open Geospatial Consortium), the GeorbIS® platform now offers a unified platform for 3D geospatial data visualization, GIS analysis, web portal integration and multi-data fusion.
- GeorbIS comes with options for stand-alone desktop based systems and server based enterprise level systems.
- The platform also offers modular extensions called CartridGIS that offer advanced functionality and customized features, offering out-of-the-box usability.
- Awarded, executed and operational at the following locations.
- Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Service (INCOIS), for Design, Development & Implementation of GIS based Enterprise Solution, facilitating timely dissemination of Oceanic Hazards Warnings
- Odisha Police HQ, Bhubaneshwar, for Real time GPS tracking of Special Operations Group in Naxal area through geospatial 3D visualization platform
- National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), for disaster management planning through geospatial 3D visualization and analysis
- Border Security Force (BSF), HQ, New Delhi for operation planning, briefing and geotagged SITREP data visualization
Project Experience
Orissa Police
The project for the Orissa Police involves creation of a spatial database for the complete Orissa state on an enterprise geoportal which would be used by the entire organization for special operations planning using GIS data.
- Integration of incident reports used by SOG Orissa Police with GIS data
- Direct web based form generation and form management
- Development of spatial geodatabase of the complete Area of Interest
- Deployment of OGC certified GeorbIS Enterprise Vu server and GeorbIS Aperture RDBMS for serving map data to 3D visualization system and interaction system
- Support for real time tracking of field units during a mission over RF protocols over radio communication devices
- Visual analytics for intelligence gathering from MIS data
- Support for archiving of all tracking information and viewing data as a time series
- Support for automated message communication over RF and integration with SMS gateways
College of Military Engineering, Pune
The project for the College of Military Engineering, Pune involves a complete turnkey execution of a Digital Sand Model Room for training of syndicates and officials along with exercise creation, briefing and collaborative planning and discussion suing our GeorbIS 3D visualization platform. The high level scope of work includes:
- Complete infrastructure of the Digital Sand Model Room
- Creation of situations or mission exercises for briefing the trainees
- Spatial data creation over the Area of Interest
- Terrain Familiarization using terrain toolkits & DCB creation for terrain modification
- 3D visualization of terrain data while briefing the mission scenario
- Support for converting mission text reports to speech at run time using text-tospeech conversion and report generation
- Support for user authentication when applications connect to the server for data requests
- Separate data access permissions for syndicates and instructors based on geographical extents of the given operational area.
Border Security Force
The project for the BSF HQ involves synthetic geospatial data generation of the complete Indo Pakistan and Indo Bangladesh regions (territory manned by the BSF over 3000 km long) along with the data dissemination and data consumption system. The project setup for terrain familiarization, intelligence gathering and operation planning using 3D GIS based platform, is used for day to day incident management at BSF.
- Data generation involving accurate 3D GIS based reconstruction of environment using multiple source data including high resolution satellite imagery, elevation models, 3D models using photographic references.
- Interactive 3D model data dissemination using the GeorbIS geospatial server with organization wide access to various destination data through web based and desktop based clients.
- Support for database level redundancy
- Support for integration of BSF SITREP data for operation planning
- Support for visual analytics tools for charting out course of action based on incident management data
- Data consumption through 3D immersive display system and wireless multi touch consoles.
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services: INCOIS
Enterprise Solution: Oceanic Hazard Warning
GeorbIS Enterprise Server based web based portal was set-up for timely dissemination of oceanic voluminous information related to weather forecasting, oceanic resources, oceanic hazards early warning etc. This platform facilitates visualization and analysis of important oceanic parameters including sea surface temperature, tidal velocity, bathymetric data, chlorophyll content, suspended sediment concentration, yellow substance concentration, wave characteristics, potential fishing zone (PFZ) etc., useful for fisheries and marine biologists, biological and physical oceanographers, conservationist, scientists etc. Key features of the proposed application includes:
- Integration support for sensor data, modelled data, Oceanic Information and remote sensing data
- Unified Platform for Oceanic Information Visualization & Analysis, Disseminating Oceanic Hazard Warning
- for integrated 3D visualization of sensor data and data plots
- Support for visual analytical tools for predicting possible oceanic risks, fixing fishing ports, understanding oceanic pollution accumulation
- Support for redundancy at multiple levels including application level and database level support
National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad
Disaster Management Application Centre
A Disaster Management Application Centre, was set up at NRSC Hyderabad for disaster management planning through geospatial 3D visualization and analysis that integrates Satellite Imageries, Aerial Photographs, real-time sensor inputs, hydro meteorological data and other open source data. Features of the solution includes:
- 3D visualization platform for managing Disaster operations planning
- Terrain data server
- Application development for modelling disasters with unit movement and response planning
- Platform for processing High Resolution Satellite Imageries and with the integration of other inputs (e.g. hydro-met data, maps, sensor data) for Flood Forecasting & Management.
Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur
3D GIS based virtual range DSS portal
The Virtual Test Range GIS platform for pre-mission planning, real time sensor integration based weapon system disaster aversion setup by VizExperts includes the complete GIS and disaster simulation application, simulation hardware and database creation. Missile and weapon system testing, which is the mandate of the organization involves several complex procedures including establishing a safety corridor for clearing any aerial, land and water based incoming traffic during the test. With typical missile related disaster events occurring due to thermal or structural failure of the missile, the resulting debris can be disastrous if the safety corridor is not established in advance and cleared out.
The scope of work of the complete project includes:
- Physically accurate simulation modelling of weapon systems, disaster events like missile blast due to various failure modes, sensors including radars, telemetry and electro optical tracking systems in Infra-red mode
- Spatial analysis tools for establishment of safety corridor, accurate placement of sensors for effective real time data integration
- Weather simulation and meteorological data visualization on GIS
- Distributed simulation grid framework for managing multi-entity simulation in real time through a grid computing cluster framework
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