Terms & Conditions



All website text, logos, designs, graphics, images, sounds, information, documents and other materials are the copyrighted work of VizExperts and/or its vendors and partners. All material used are protected by global copyright laws where this legal indication exists (Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.). In the absence of this legal indication, all materials will be considered copyright protected by default and any infringement upon this copyright will be considered illegal.
VizExperts authorizes you to view, copy, download, and print out any documents that are publicly available on this website, as long as it is ensured that the documents are used solely for non-commercial purposes, are not modified or redistributed, and all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices are reproduced as they appear in any such documents. You must have prior written consent to utilize any materials on this website including the design and layout of this website, in any manner other than previously indicated in this paragraph.


This website is provided as a service to our clients and visitors. VizExperts reserves the right to modify, add or delete information or materials in this website at any given time and for any reason.


The statements in all related materials concerning VizExperts’s business matters, products, solutions, services, announcements, public relations and documents relate to matters that are not historical. These are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could vary materially from those anticipated. The company’s business is subject to the risk of uncertainty due to rapid technological changes in the industry, increased competition, timely introduction, and customer acceptance of VizExperts’s services and products.
VizExperts will use reasonable effort to provide current information, accurate forecasting of industry predictions and acceptance of these new products and the technology thereof. This effort will include attempt to keep this website accurate and current. VizExperts cannot guarantee that materials provided here are error-free, current, accurate, or complete. All materials provided on this website are included only as provided.

External Links

For the convenience of users of our website, VizExperts might provide links to other websites. These links are not under VizExperts’s control, and VizExperts cannot be held responsible for the content of any linked website.